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My name is Penny Maday Ciochetti. I am a Canadian artist who divides my time between Canada and Europe. I am a Multidisciplinary Artist who works in acrylics, glass, wood, metal, ink, photography, printmaking, charcoal, pencil, watercolor, collage, and sometimes in Italian limestone fresco.
In the words of artist Ai Wei Wei:    " Art is not an end but a beginning "

I am interested in bringing awareness around things that are lost in time or that are in a state
of Becoming. Forms in transition articulate the gap between things - like perception and reality.

 I am fascinated by the concept of layers and transparency, reflection and clarity and all of it's forms. I use photographs printed on plexiglass, or other clear and opaque material as a final layer on top of a substrate. The top layer is often changed or intervened with in some way, and together,  these layers come to form one unified image.  However, each image changes, depending on the time of day, how the light source interacts with the surface, and the angle the viewer occupies.

This is how my work encourages participation, where the viewer’s point of view puts the work in transition and creates a form of meditation and engagement.

In the  ‘Love Letters To Leonardo‘ series - I have chosen the process of layering abandoned photographic images of nature over drawn platonic forms as a metaphor for spiritual transformation and a nod to Leonardo da Vinci’s genius and endless curiosity. The geometric and organic forms found in both the drawn and photographic/painted/collaged layers are acts of meditation, prayer, surrender and abandon. This body of work, heavily influenced by my daily life and studies abroad in Florence, is a record of a conversation across time, between Leonardo and I  through  the use of  a visual language that draws on  sacred geometry, Islamic pattern, cubist and contemporary influences.

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