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The Man in the White Shirt 

The Man in the White Shirt is a body of work created in an art studio in the Tuscan countryside one hot Augusto. 

  This is a small, intimate mixed media series that uses drawing, printmaking, and painting materials and processes to create work that up until that time, I was never brave enough to complete.

This work seeks to understand the pervasive power of an enduring memory through the layers of loss, grief, and love. I layer materials to symbolize the changing elements of memory,  and how it can change, haunt, or sustain us over time and through the process of grief and mourning.

Mourning is honored and respected in many ancient cultures around the world and is filled with many traditions and rituals around this, but I found modern Western culture not to be so supportive of a heart, mind, and life in the waves of loss.

 The hand-drawn or painted elements are meant as a form of caress, of putting my fingerprints or hands directly onto the image or memory as a way of keeping it close to me, of interaction with it.

These works recall the first moment I saw a stranger from across a room, who would completely change my life,as all great loves do.  This work,  in it's own small way, asks where memories go ....for surely they are cradled in the heart.

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